
Ecommerce, Entrepreneurship, Marketing • 9 Minute Read • Aug 3, 2024

Finish the Year Strong with an Ecommerce Digital Marketing Strategy

Kelcie Ottoes

Kelcie Ottoes, Writer

Finish the Year Strong with an Ecommerce Digital Marketing Strategy

Do you feel like you’re always behind when it comes to creating an ecommerce digital marketing strategy? That’s because marketers are constantly capitalizing on what’s working. In turn, what’s working becomes saturated and evolves.  

There was once a time on Instagram where you could post one picture, with 15 hashtags, and it would be found by folks who were interested in your business. Now, getting found on Instagram often requires using viral audio to authentically promote your brand. Instead of likes, you’re hoping for saves and shares to make your video go viral. 

You don’t necessarily have to bow before the algorithm gods to grow your ecommerce brand. Here’s what’s working in 2024, what’s not, what’s standing the test of time, and new innovations to consider for your ecommerce digital marketing strategy.

Ecommerce digital marketing strategies to stop now

What’s Not Working

If you’re doing any of the following, it’s time to make a plan to pivot your efforts.

Ads That Don’t Connect to the Product

Are your ads currently set up so when someone clicks on your product, it drops them on the homepage of your website? Or a general product page? 

If your answer is yes, it’s time to make a change in 2024. When a consumer is interested in one of your products or services, they expect to click through to a specific page – either for the specific product or service your ad served them. 

They probably won’t search through your website to find what they’re looking for, no matter how motivated they are. When someone clicks on an ad, they’re trusting you to take them directly to the product. Searching for it on your website can feel overwhelming and the friction will likely cause them to lose interest entirely. 

Posting for the Sake of Posting (Especially Across Multiple Social Platforms) 

Your brand doesn’t have to be everywhere, it just needs to be where your people are. Determine which platforms your ideal customers are on and then make a plan to only post on that platform moving forward. These posts should be tailored to the platform and specific for your customers. 

You don’t have to be a jack of all trades and a master of none when it comes to your ecommerce digital marketing strategy. Put your time and energy into where your people are and utilize the right tools. An inauthentic post that’s poorly formatted could do your brand more harm than good.

Digital marketing strategies you shouldn't be using

Websites that Aren’t Optimized for Mobile

Roughly 75% of consumers prefer using their mobile devices to shop. This number is likely to grow as Gen Z collects more disposable income and becomes a bigger part of the buying market. Plus, innovations like facial recognition, one-click payments, and more simplify the shopping experience. 

Brands that don’t make an effort to have a great mobile experience risk higher bounce rates and lower sales. 

Collecting but Never Sending Emails 

We don’t know who needs to hear this, but people who sign up to receive emails from you want you to email them. And, it can be extremely lucrative for your business to explore email marketing opportunities. The return on investment of email marketing is $36 in sales for every $1 spent.

This also doesn’t have to be a heavy lift for you. If you need a place to start, set up email flows that will go out automatically based on an action your customers take. Some of these flows include:

  • Cart abandonment
  • Welcome sequence
  • First time purchase sequence
  • Subscription sequence
  • Upsell or cross sell 
  • Shipping and delivery notice

Once you get your emails going, consider complimenting them with SMS, chat, or push notifications.

Lackluster Product Descriptions

If customers are interested enough in your product that they make it to your product page, make sure you answer every possible question they could have to help secure the sale. If they have a hard time finding any details like size, material, shipping time, etc, you may miss out on a customer who was very interested in your product. 

You should also include sustainability standards and charity information. 46% of consumers are more likely to purchase from a company that actively donates to charity. 

When it comes to sustainability, consider mentioning your carbon footprint, carbon offsetting, sustainable materials, certifications, or disposal information. This can help increase transparency around your product and build trust. 

Here are 5 tips to create a great product page

Digital marketing trends working for ecommerce brands

What’s Working for Businesses Right Now

Consider prioritizing some of the following practices that are tried and true ecommerce digital marketing strategies. 

Creating a Personalized Shopping Experience

Customers don’t want to shop for just anything from just any brand. They want an authentic experience that makes them feel known and seen. Targeted ads, retargeting, and recommendations can help put your brand in front of a customer as their go-to option for your product or services, because you understand them

You can also consider using your email list to create personalized emails based on segmentation and behavior triggers. 

Leveraging AI

It’s hard to find a website these days that doesn’t have a chatbot to answer general questions. Mainly because it’s an easy way to market to your customers, help them find the things they’re looking for, and it saves you and your team time. 

While AI doesn’t replace a personal interaction, it’s an easy way for your customers to find the self service information they need. 

Subscription based models are something that's working well for ecommerce brands now

Subscription Based Models

Adding a subscription model or upsell to your business could help build stability during shakey economic times. It can also help buyers feel like they’re getting the most bang for their buck, even during a recession. Subscription based models are expected to grow beyond $450 billion by 2025. 

These should be about more than just a discount. Consider including perks and conveniences, too. This could look like:

  • Allowing shoppers to customize the timing of their subscriptions (weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually, etc)
  • Allowing shoppers to customize the amounts of their subscriptions
  • Discounts on other products by being a subscribing member
  • A points system, loyalty program, or gamification
  • Including samples of other products they can opt into
  • A referral program
  • Access to limited edition or subscription only products 
  • Adding surprises for anniversaries or birthdays

Short Form Videos

Creating short form videos to educate shoppers, especially younger shoppers, can help increase your social following, sales, and repeat customers. If you leverage a platform like TikTok, don’t be overly promotional. Instead, create organic, helpful content, as TikTokers have  a great filter when it comes to salesy videos. 

It will likely pay to authentically engage with your audience via short form videos.

If you need help creating short form videos checkout Tolstoy. This platform can help you create four different kinds of videos, from ads to website content.   

Using virtual reality for your ecomemrce brand

The New and Emerging Trend: Augmented and Virtual Reality

Virtual reality (VR) is computer generated technology that creates an immersive environment, simulating a physical presence. It can involve a head mounted display. 

Augmented reality (AR) is technology that overlays computer-generated information, like images, videos, or 3D renderings onto the real world, shifting the perception of reality. 

You’ve likely seen that brands like Ikea, Sherwin Williams, Home Depot, Zenni, and others have started to use AR or VR. This technology helps customers visualize how paint will look on their walls, how furniture will fit in a room, or how glasses will look on their face. 

This is a new opportunity for all ecommerce brands. Teaming up with an organization like Reactive Reality, who helps brands create VR apps so customers can try on clothes before they buy, are shaking up the ecommerce industry. 

Why is it so revolutionary? 

VR and AR won’t just lead to more sales, it will also increase the likelihood online shoppers like their purchase because it’s what they expect. That means less returns and more happy customers singing your praise.  

Ecommerce Digital Marketing Strategies That Continue to Work Year Over Year

These tried and true practices are standing the test of time. If they’re not on your radar, they should be. 

Managing Your Reviews

Regardless of if they’re good or bad, your reviews deserve your attention. Someone loved your product enough to give you five stars, be sure to thank them. Or, if they’ve left helpful feedback, be sure to thank them and make applicable changes to your product and services. Afterall, 80% of customers say the experience a company provides is as important as its products or services.

Reviews help with your local SEO, increase trust for new customers and can be the cherry on top of your great customer service. 

Not sure how to respond to reviews? Check out the linked blog post for tips and templates.  

Adding Value on Social Media

If all you’re doing on social media is selling your product, you’re missing the point of social. While our platforms are a great opportunity to sell to customers, if you want followers and engagement you need to post authentic, valuable content that resonates with your ideal audience. 

On social media, most people are looking to learn more about something, laugh, or be inspired. If your channel doesn’t do one of these consistently, you likely won’t build a strong following that can increase your brand loyalty. 

Ask questions, run polls, respond to comments, and share user generated content. 

Keep in mind, 19% of consumers reached out to customer service via social DMs in 2023. An ignored or delayed response could result in a lost sale, or a lost customer.

Ecommerce Digital Marketing Trends

Create Helpful, Fun, and Thoughtful Content for Your Ideal Customer

When it comes to digital marketing, all ecommerce businesses have the opportunity to surprise and delight customers. When you create custom content, that’s available when customers need it, and helps them make the right purchases for their needs – we all win. 

Consumers are able to find and buy products they need and love. 

Businesses are able to sell more of the products their ideal customers want. 

Remember, marketing doesn’t have to be a ‘necessary evil,’ as long as it’s community based, personalized, forward thinking, and intentional. 


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